- 95 kWh (2019 - 2022)
Audi / e-tron 55 Quattro / 95 kWh (2019 - 2022)
Connector type: CCS

Max charge speed: 150 kW
The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
Start charge session
In some cases, your session may not begin. Start first the session via the app or EV charge card and then connect the connector with the car. Ensure that there is no sideways pressure on the charge port by parking the car in front of the charger and support the cable by hand.
Unlock the connector
Press the button next to the charging port a few times (the one that opens the charge port) and remove the connector within 30 seconds.
Emergency release (at your own risk)
Open the bonnet, release the yellow ring from the holder and carefully pull it (the red ring is for the charging unit cover).