Let's Celebrate the Empowerment of Women in the EV Industry

International Women's Day is a powerful reminder of the incredible achievements of women worldwide. As we celebrate Women's Day, we at Fastned recognize the critical role women play in driving (pun intended! ;)) the growth of the electric vehicle and fast charging industry. Let’s today, and everyday, honor their invaluable contributions, their unique perspectives, and the challenges they overcome.
And hear their stories.
To amplify some of their voices, we want to introduce here three of the women making the difference in a still male-dominated industry: Linda, Sarah and Lieke. They all play an important role at Fastned, live in three different countries, and have very distinct responsibilities.
It's a great achievement that women are leaving their mark on the EV industry. However, it's also essential to acknowledge that women make up only 21% of the global automotive industry workforce. At Fastned, we firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential for achieving our mission of accelerating the transition to electric mobility. At Fastned, 37% of our people identify as women. And we are proud of the fact that 4 out of the 9 Executive Team members at Fastned are women! They are decision-makers and shaping Fastned on a daily basis.
Women bring different perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table. When women are part of the decision-making process, we avoid groupthink and create more inclusive solutions. That's of even bigger importance in an industry where products or services are often designed for men. We want more women to feel empowered to own an EV and feel safe charging it in stations that are well-lit, in high-traffic areas, and with 24/7 customer service. Additionally, we make sure our station uptime is at least 99% so that no one finds themselves driving to charge and finding out that the chargers aren’t working.
At Fastned we embrace diversity and see it not as just a checkbox exercise but a genuine commitment to creating a more equitable and just society. We encourage women to take up leadership and supporting roles across our company, whether in finance, IT, construction, or other areas. It's time to stand with women, and celebrate their successes. Here at Fastned we put not only a lot of value on “delivering Wow”, but also on celebrating our successes. We believe recognition supports women’s continued growth 🙌
But - hey! Let’s let the women speak for themselves ;)
Linda's in charge

I joined Fastned in January 2021 and live in beautiful Cologne by the river Rhine, in Germany. I am the Public Affairs Manager and Country Manager Germany at Fastned.
What excites you about your job and our industry?
Linda: The one thing I have learned in the EV industry: the only constant is change! There are new developments, technologies, market players coming up literally every day. Things are moving fast, and Fastned has been a pioneer since day 1, challenging the rest of the industry. We continue to be bold, and I love that our independence allows us to put the customer first. That includes thinking about the different needs our drivers have: based on their subjective feeling of security, their accessibility needs, or their affinity to digital solutions. We work on making charging easy and welcoming for them all!
Tell us one achievement you’re particularly proud of.
Linda: I was entrusted to lead our German team made up of lovely humans aged 23-54, with the most diverse backgrounds and quirks. Despite our differences, we continue to develop together and challenge ourselves to become more efficient and smarter every day. And we laugh a lot! Our joint expertise is also valued by externals and I am proud that we have become such trusted advisors - to each other and to the external world.
In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges facing women in the workplace today, and how can we work to address these challenges?
Linda: Especially in Germany, it’s ridiculously difficult to combine raising children and continue having a career. I am very jealous of my Dutch colleagues, where things are also not always ideal, but societal expectations and policies are much more favorable to allowing women to continue realizing their ambitions and raising their children. Regarding the e-mobility industry, we need to take a leap and ensure that leadership and policy-making becomes more reflective of our future customer base: there are still way too many manels (male panels) and decisions taken without considering the impact on people with needs that are different from the technically savvy early adopter. I like shaking things up and pointing it out when I feel that I am once again the only woman in a male-dominated round. I would wish for more men to do the same and request a diversity of views to be represented.
Sarah's in charge

I am an architect and have been working at Fastned since 2020. Currently I am living in Zürich, building fast-charging infrastructure in Switzerland and coordinating station improvements as the Product Owner of Fastned’s Station Design.
What excites you about your job and our industry?
Sarah: I always wanted to make a difference in our world regarding sustainability and gender equality, especially in the building industry. Working traditionally as an architect was highly frustrating: besides poor working conditions, I could never stand 100% behind the projects and designs - the client always had the last word. At my current job I am able to give all my energy to a needed transition in mobility, for a better future on our planet. The novelty of the EV-industry creates a constantly evolving and modern environment, that is open to making changes and allows us to shape the future, not only in sustainability but also for equality within the industry, which has lagged behind in its structures and world views. It makes me very proud to be part of this movement and the changes it makes!
Tell us one achievement you’re particularly proud of.
Sarah: In recent years we convinced several authorities of the importance of our mission and gained their trust in our expertise. For many people EV technology is new and unknown and can therefore be scary and doubts are often raised. This is due to unfamiliarity and lacking access to the necessary facts and it has proven worthwhile to be patient in explaining and sharing the knowledge we have. The human being is a creature of habit and a transition in mobility is very difficult to communicate, especially as a young woman. However, in this case making the effort has brought positive progress which makes me proud!
How do you feel about the representation of women in the fast-charging industry, and what do you think could be done to encourage more women to join the field?
Sarah: Being a woman in this environment often means being the only one at the table. This can be very intimidating. People smile at me and mansplaining becomes part of everyday life. I do believe that encouragement should start during our studies. Our educational institutes could put more emphasis on the importance of gender equality. In architecture we are encouraged to believe that the only “right way” is to become a star architect, which is unrealistic and also counterproductive to a healthy building industry. But not only in education, also in our everyday life everyone can participate in encouraging! The consequences and the impacts of patriarchy have a negative influence on all of us and it's in everyone’s interest to change that.
Human resources is the one near limitless thing that we have, so let's use it in the most efficient and equitable way and work together!
Lieke's in charge

I started working for Fastned in March 2022 as a Commercial Director. My responsibility area is brand, communications, commercial partnerships and energy procurement. I am the proud mom of three teenage children and moved from Vienna back to the Netherlands this summer.
What excites you about your job and our industry?
Lieke: We are part of something bigger than ourselves. Change has to happen today so future generations have the opportunity of a good life. This year, also in our industry, we noticed the impact humans have on earth more than ever. The war in the Ukraine and severe droughts led to unprecedented energy prices. What excites me most about my job is that we at Fastned are accelerating the transition to electric mobility. Not only talking about it but actually building towards a sustainable future.
Tell us one achievement you’re particularly proud of.
Lieke: We kept our cool during the energy crisis, making sure our pricing was fair to all of our stakeholders. Assuring electric fast charging was priced competitively compared to other offerings, whilst remaining a healthy margin to build the highly needed charging network. Our commercial team tripled last year in size: making sure the team and all of its members were able to be their strongest selves and contribute to the success of Fastned, gave me great satisfaction. Inclusion is an important value in our team, we all come from different backgrounds, so actively making sure all voices are heard is important to us.
What are some of the biggest lessons you've learned in your career so far, and that you’d pass on as advice to other women?
Lieke: One key lesson I have learned over time is that vulnerability is your biggest strength. It brings creativity, innovation and connection. It takes courage to be open about your doubts and insecurities. In the early days of my career, I thought that I should always be in control of the outcome. How wrong was I.
The second thing I would like to pass on to other women is perhaps the opposite of vulnerability. Don’t shy away from being a strong woman. Studies have shown that capable women are not always liked by others. This sometimes withholds us from sharing an opinion or taking a stand. Don’t! Our opinion is important, our perspective adds value and needs to be heard.
And that brings me to the last thing: women solidarity. In a meeting, make sure the voices of other women are heard and encouraged. Make sure other women are seen for a promotion. We have the power to support other women, to pave the way for future generations of women. Let’s make sure we are a buddy to other women, we need each other.